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열린 출사모임

Total Solar Eclipse on April 8

호담 2024.03.27 10:34 조회 수 : 294

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 10.30.10 AM.png







작년 10월 14일에 이어 금년 4월 8일에도 미국에서 개기일식 있는거 아시지요?

이번에는 링은 안 보인고 태양주변으로 빛이 보인다고 하네요.


제대로 보시려면 아래 지역으로 여행계획도 세워 보세요. 무엇보다도 늦기전에 일식 안경을 아마존등에서 사서 준비하시고요.

Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas. Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.


캘리포니아에서도 부분일식은 볼 수 있다고 합니다.




How much of the eclipse will be visible in California?

California is not in the path of the total solar eclipse. But the West Coast will see parts of the eclipse.


"If you're paying attention, you'll probably sense a little bit strangeness in the light," Krupp said. "It'll be a little off, not a lot. But, if you're able to watch it directly, you can see this operation of Newton's gravity happening right in front of your very eyes."


In the Los Angeles area, people will see 48.6% of coverage of the sun, according to NASA. The process will begin just after 10 a.m., reach the peak at 11:12 a.m. and end at 12:21 p.m.


In the Bay Area, people will see 35.9% of coverage of the sun. The process will begin just before 10:15 a.m., reach the peak at 11:13 a.m. and end at 12: 16 p.m.
